
노령 연금법 : (Old Age Insurance : OAI )

花受紛-동아줄 2011. 2. 25. 22:41

노령 연금법 : (Old Age Insurance : OAI )


노령부조 : (Old Age Assistance : OAA )


요보호아동가족부조제도 : (Aid to Families with Dependent Children : AFDC )


직업기회/기본기술제도 : (Job Opportunities and Basic Skills : JOBS )


식권제도 : (Food Stampos)


보충보장소득 : (Supplementar Security Income : SSi )


사회복지사 : (social worker)


미국사회복지사협회 : (National Association of Social Workers : NASW )


자선조직협회 : (Charity Organization Society : C,O,S )


미국사회사업가협회 : (American Association of Social Workers : AASW )


외원사회사업기간 : (Korea Association of Voluntary Agencies : KAVA )


근로동기프로그램 : (Work Incentive Program : WIN )


의료부조제도 : (Medicaid)


리해비리테이션 : (rehabilitation : 재활 )


노멀라이제이션 : (normalization : 정상화 )

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